The Israeli Air Force as Jerusalem’s Strategic Asset amid Regional Hostilities: Israel at War

Veterans of the IDF’s ground arm have consistently lobbied for more armour, infantry and artillery units and less reliance on the Israeli Air Force. Their call for sending ground divisions across the border, rather than relying upon fighter planes and UAV’s bombing targets from above, was finally answered in the Gaza War.

Nevertheless, the IAF does remain essential in this campaign; in targeting tunnels and headquarters, providing close air support to the troops below, deterring other enemies, intercepting missiles and UAVs, not to mention being the weapon of choice should Israel be forced to take the fight far from its own borders, namely from Iran to Yemen.

So is the IAF still as vital an asset to Israel’s defense as it has been in times past?

With us to ponder this question we are joined by:
- Host : Jonathan Hessen
- Editor at Large : Amir Oren : Host of Watchmen Talk and Powers in Play
- Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Relik Shafir : former IAF Tel Nof Commander
- Brig. Gen. (Res.) Yaron Rosen : former IAF Commander and Chief of the IDF Cyber Staff

Jerusalem Studio

The program offers the viewer deeper understanding about current events in Israel. The topics vary from domestic and foreign policy to social changes, archaelogy and religion.

The program is hosted by TV7 Israel News anchor Jonathan Hessen.

  • First broadcast: December 29, 2023, TV7 World
  • Episode number: 823
  • Duration: 30 min
  • Spoken languages:
  • English
  • Subtitles:
  • Finnish