Rear Admiral (ret.)Prof. Shaul Chorev Navy, Atomic Energy, Haifa U. Part I

Admiral-turned-Professor Chorev who is probably Israel’s most knowledgeable and dedicated advocate of maritime awareness and investment in military and civilian dimensions alike.

Chorev had a unique Naval career, commanding a landing ship, missile boats and submarines. When he took off his white uniform he focused on deterrence and technology, heading both the Defense Ministry Special Means Branch and the Atomic Energy Commission. Upon retirement from government service he has pursued an academic career of teaching, researching and publishing, again mostly devoted to the seas.

TV7 Israel Watchmen Talk

“I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, [which] shall never hold their peace day nor night” (Isaiah 62:6)

They are the men and women who have stood guard over Israel. When their countrymen slept, these Watchmen could be counted on to fight for Israel and its capital, Jerusalem, on its numerous fronts. Now, one by one, they are coming to TV7’s Jerusalem studio for in-depth interviews by TV7 Analyst and Host Amir Oren, a veteran observer of the Israeli - and global - defense and government scenes.

They will share their stories, insights and some revelations in a way sure to enlighten our viewers who are encouraged to keep these topics in prayer ~ Psalm 122.

  • First broadcast: September 15, 2022, TV7 World
  • Episode number: 25
  • Duration: 30 min
  • Spoken languages:
  • English, Swedish
  • Subtitles:
  • Finnish