Turkey’s looming offensive into Syria

The lethal terror attack on civilians innocently walking down Istanbul’s Istiklal Street on November 13 was probably perpetrated by a Kurdish underground cell fighting Turkish rule over this ethnic group. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan responded by instructing air raids into Kurdish concentrations in both Northern Syria and Iraq, and announced that a cross-border ground offensive would follow, when conditions are most suitable. The Kurdish forces in Syria, who comprise the better part of the local inhabitants fighting with American support the remnants of the Islamic State, threatened to abstain from this campaign. Washington is thus once again trying to dissuade Ankara, in order to serve a higher strategic interest.

To help us find our way out of this labyrinth, we are joined from Ankara, Turkey – by Omer Ozkizilcik, Foreign Policy and Security Analyst. Also joining us from Washington, D.C(Retired) Brigadier General Mark Kimmitt, Former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs. And Amir Oren.

Jerusalem Studio

The program offers the viewer deeper understanding about current events in Israel. The topics vary from domestic and foreign policy to social changes, archaelogy and religion.

The program is hosted by TV7 Israel News anchor Jonathan Hessen.

  • First broadcast: December 2, 2022, TV7 World
  • Episode number: 731
  • Duration: 30 min
  • Spoken languages:
  • English
  • Subtitles:
  • Finnish, Swedish