Guest: Barbara Yoder

Could invisible forces be blocking answers to our prayers? Barbara Yoder teaches what the Bible calls, "The Breaker Anointing," calling on Messiah Jesus. She's learned to break through every obstacle and hindrance, and you can too!

Barbara Yoder wants every believer operating in partnership with the Breaker, Messiah Jesus, and proclaiming heaven in their daily lives.

It's Supernatural!

The program by Sid Roth challenges the secular media which ignores the supernatural.

However, many peope have supernatural experiences. Sid Roth invites to his program people whom God has touched supernaturally.

Sid Roth is a messianic Jew and has himself encountered Jesus of Nazareth supernaturally in the year 1972.

  • First broadcast: April 11, 2014, TV7 World
  • Episode number: 396
  • Duration: 30 min
  • Spoken languages:
  • English
  • Subtitles:
  • Finnish, Estonian